Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts Education Fund
To build and strengthen Neighbor to Neighbor’s base of low-income and people of color to make progress on racial, economic, and climate justice.
To build and strengthen Neighbor to Neighbor’s base of low-income and people of color to make progress on racial, economic, and climate justice.
To implement collective action, community organizing, and resident empowerment to achieve environmental and climate justice and improved public health in Chelsea and East Boston.
To build the movement for environmental justice by linking lawyers, scientists, community organizers, and others with community, faith, and municipal leaders in environmental justice communities to help win environmental and climate justice campaigns.
To support a pilot program to identify community energy needs in environmental justice communities within “gateway cities” in Massachusetts, connect minority-led businesses to investors, provide data about new markets, and build pipelines of young people to join the clean energy…
To build the capacity of grassroots organizations in Connecticut to tackle air pollution and carbon emissions from the transportation sector, and support transition to safe, environmentally sustainable, equitable, and reliable modes of transportation.
To build a strong advocacy campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Connecticut, improve mobility and health in communities, and address inequities in transportation planning.
To accelerate deployment of plug-in electric vehicles and electric transportation infrastructure in Vermont.
To deploy business and investor leaders in New England to advance and defend state and regional climate and clean transportation policies.
To advance bold, equitable climate solutions and ensure that all Vermonters are part of the transition to cleaner, more affordable energy future.
To ensure that Connecticut sets and achieves strong climate and clean energy goals, while fighting for environmental equity.